Ongoing tasks like making sure that availability and prices are up to date or that content such as photos is relevant and updated are crucial for the success of a property to get bookings.
While this is obvious and become a standard for hotel suppliers, when Agoda decided to enter the non-hotels accommodations market due to increase in demand, we had to find ways to educate and encourage hosts users to actively interact with the system as much as hotels do.
In this project I’ve been tasked to design a dashboard that will present needed information for hosts to make better decisions and prioritize their ongoing tasks.
My role was to define the areas of information on the screen, finding ways to drive engagement from our hosts users, and making sure the flows for each actionable items were optimized to accommodate users needs in the most efficient, meaningful and usable way.
Based on conducted research and interviews with all types of hosts user, we realized that data and actionable items for hosts could be divided into three main sections:
With this is in mind, we then began to think about the actual information that each section should include, and how to make sure that most of the things are covered and visible for hosts.
With a new overview screen that summarized and prioritized hosts’ actions, we were able to increase hosts engagement by eliminating many of the decisions and automating tasks hosts are expected to take to provide the best experience to our customers.
As a consequence of that hosts on Agoda Homes started to see an increase in bookings as customers were able to easily find what they are looking for and make decisions based on that.
But in reality the context of using a mobile device is different from desktop usage, and so we need to research and find the true needs of users, and how can we present it in a way that is not overwhelming and destructing from what really matters.
More case studies
Agoda Homes - Increasing Hosts EngagementUser Experience Design
Agoda Homes - Optimizing for Mobile ContextUser Experience Design
YCS CalendarUser Experience design
Agoda HomesUser Experience design
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Strategic web & app design ©2018